115th Softskillcourse week on 30 May – 02 June 2024

Date: 30. May 2024Location: Belingries

From 30 May to 02 June 2024 the Elite Network of Bavaria will host the next soft skill seminar. We offer workshops with the following topics:

- Rhetorikcoaching (Deutsch)

- Resilient durch emotionale Intelligenz – So entwickelst Du mentale Gesundheit

- Zeit- und Selbstmanagement

- Visual Thinking als Schlüssel zum Wissenserwerb

- Intensiv Coaching – Assessment Center (Deutsch)

- Effektive Nutzung von agilen Methoden und künstlicher Intelligenz in der Universitätsforschung: Innovatives Arbeiten in wissenschaftlichen Projekten

- Story telling (English)

- Strikingly sound! Training for a mellifluous and powerful voice. (English)

Check out the workshop descriptions on the ENB Community Portal for further information. You can register for this event on the ENB Community Portal from 22 February to 04 April 2024.

The softskill seminars are open to all members of the Elite Network of Bavaria (active members as well as alumni).

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Event Details

30. May 2024
All day


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